Making of White sauce Pasta Recipe

Making of White sauce Pasta -

White sauce Pasta, a classic Italian dish that makes mouthwatering everyone. There is no way to say no to cheesy and creamy dishes that fill your stomach and soul. If you want a romantic dinner on budget and show some love and care for your partner, that dish is perfect for you and with red wine, Superb!

Everyone love mother cooking no matter how much good is MacDonald or Dominos no one can replace mom cooking because she cooks passional and full of love when she cooks she think about her own children and whishes about good health and fortune that’s why if you cook for someone else no matter how to dish look or you mess a little bit that person always loves your food and it is the batter then spend a lot of money in a restaurant. By cooking for someone improves the relationship and brings to close people.

pasta make with creamy white sauce

White sauce pasta is not only sweet and delicious but also healthy it full of calcium and protein you can also add vegetables for extra nutrition on the downside it also has saturation fat and cholesterol overall it depends on you how you cook. The main ingredient of white sauce pasta is the sauce and it is made from milk, butter, and flour to thickness different from alfredo sauce made from grated Parmesan or other hard Italian cheese. The name of white sauce pasta is Béchamel sauce is traditionally made from a white roux (butter and flour mixer 1:1) and milk.

Now, the most important is how to cook an amazing dish. But, remember always “Anyone can Cook”. It is all needs patience and practices most important to learn from your own mistake.

Let start it is cooking time

White sauce Pasta Ingredient:

2 Cup Penne pasta

Green vegetable

(broccoli, corn, carrot, capsicum)

2 Tablespoon Butter

1.5 Tablespoon all-purpose flours

1.5 cup milk

2 Tablespoon Cheese spread

Mozzarella cheese

Dry basil

Red chili flakes


Black paper

Black salt

White sauce Pasta Cooking:

  1.  Boil the penne pasta for 80%.
  2. when you cut the pasta while boiling, if you see a thin white line in the center of the cut it means pasta is 80% done.
  3. do not add oil to the water to boil the pasta. because oil is only for fresh pasta.
  4. Now take a bowl and drink pasta water because it is full of starch.
  5. Remove the remaining water from pasta and wash the pasta with water (*it removes starch from outside and pasta does not stick with each other.
  6. Cut down the vegetables and fry them.
  7. Vegetables are optional if you have a few or Not then, no problem.
  8. Now take the pan and butter when it melts add flour. From this stage use only a whisk.
  9. The flame will be low-medium.
  10. When the color of flour changes into golden brown add milk slowly and mix well.
  11. After adding all the milk, add pasta water and let them boil for a while.
  12. Now use a spoon and check if the sauce is ready or not even for slightly.
  13. Add all the dry herbs and now mix well.
  14. Add pasta and the cheese spared.
  15. I use cheese spread for thick the Sause and make it a cheesier dish. By adding it pasta and sauce melt into the mouth.
  16. Cook them for a while in low flame.
  17. In plating add mozzarella cheese in between pasta and for decoration put some coriander and mozzarella.
  18. Enjoy your most cheesy and creamy pasta.

Have a nice day!

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